Willamette Agility Group Memorial Page

Where Have You Gone?

by Brad Moore

I looked down and you were gone.
Was it the tennis ball I had thrown?
Was it a rabbit or squirrel needed chasin?
Or maybe a shady spot just for lazin.
I looked down and you were gone.
Have the kids taken you out for a walk?
Are the neighbors at the fence for a talk?
My heart is sad, my face is long.
I looked down and you were gone.

In loving memory of our baby
Ch. Smithforged South St Sadie

The WAG Memorial Page is provided by WAG as a place for comfort and closure for WAG members who have lost their beloved dogs. Please be patient with submissions. They are reviewed before being placed on the list.
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This tribute is offered for all to view. Submissions are limited to WAG members for the purpose of honoring their dogs and the dogs of their close friends who love the sport of Dog Agility...

In Memory of the Following Beloved Dogs

1994 - 11/24/08

Kodiak was my first agility dog and exposed me to a world of dog sports that forever changed my life. I am thankful to him for all he taught me. One of his most important lessons was to always bring an extra pillow camping if I wanted one, because he had every intention of sleeping on at least one of them!

We miss you so much little buddy. May you never have to hike through mud again. I know how hard you tried to keep your coat clean! Lisa, Russell, Riley and Zephyr.

February 27, 1994 - May 13, 2007

Kaska always lived life to the fullest and ALWAYS by her rules. Every day she woke up thinking there was a chance to play agility or chase tennis balls or go on a hike. She was the eternal optimist!

Thank you Kaska for all you taught me about agility and about securing a kitchen garbage can from an enterprising K9! You will be missed by Lisa, Russell, Kodiak & Riley. May you find no silly contact zones to slow you down now and a constant supply of tennis balls for chasing!

September 19, 1999 - November 25, 2006

Thank you Lizzy for needing a job and finding agility for us. Your passion for the game made agility a blast. I loved playing with you, on your terms, or course. We didn't name you after a queen for nothing you know. We miss you much.

Lizzy's family holds her memory in our hearts. John, Pati, Katie and Cricket Craven.

"Sparky" (Sparkle)
DOB unknown - January 10, 2006

You were the nicest, happiest boy anyone ever met. The dogsitters never wanted to let you come back home. Some of my favorite memories of you are "frog legs" when you would lay on your stomach with your legs back behind you, "propellor wag" when you would get so excited and wag your tail in a circle, "morning love" when you would lick my hands and wag your tail before I left for work every morning, and of course when you would run laps around the field after I threw your ball only once. You were simply the best dog. I love you and miss you. I will see you on the other side my friend.

With deepest love, your 'dad' Jim Brewer.

July 7, 1993 - October 1, 2005

Our best bud, through good times and bad. Remember the hikes, backpacking in Wyoming, our trip across the Sea of Cortez, camping and collecting bugs on the border, your bone-treats and countless walks in heighborhood. I miss feeding you in the morning, seeing you at the window after a hard day at school and all of the trails we discovered together. Your memory will never die (or your hair come out of my truck's upholstery). Farewell Pele. We love you.

Matt and Lynne will walk with you again some day, and no leash this time.

October 12, 1988 - February 2, 2005

Gone from My Sight

I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side
spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and
starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty
and strength. I stand and watch her until at length.
she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where
the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.

Then someone at my side says: "There, she is gone!"

"Gone where?"

Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in
mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and
she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her
destined port.

Her diminished size is in me, not in her. And just at the
moment when someone at my side says: "There, she is gone!"
There are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices
ready to take up the glad shout: "Here she comes!"

And that is dying.

Dominoe, you are gone from my sight, but never from my heart,
Mary-Lynn / WoodwyndDals

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