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"Doggie Bio" -- 2 forms per page. Demo participants fill out this form with info for the event emcee to read while the dog is on the course. Includes a line for jump height. (PDF)

"Spectator's Guide to Agility" -- tri-fold brochure, photocopy as double-sided. Suitable for any event: trial, demo, confidence course, etc. (PDF)

"Getting Started in Dog Agility" -- one page flyer. Suitable for any event. (PDF)

Larry Paulus Hay Barn - Clean Run Course Designer grid (AGL). 11/19

Larry Paulus Hay Barn - General facility layout (PDF). 10/19

Brownsville City Park Site-Map (PDF)

Equipment inventory -- list of all equipment, accessories and supplies in north and south trailers. (MS Excel)

"Release Form" -- one page form. Must be signed by each member of the public who runs a dog/s on a WAG confidence course. (PDF)
"Release Form for Multiple Handlers" -- This version is for multiple handlers per page for a WAG confidence course. (PDF)

"Policy on Participation in WAG Demos and Confidence Courses" -- important information for coordinators of demos and confidence courses. (PDF)

What To Take To A Demo - Things you might forget...or Not! (MS Word)

Free Entry Policy 2017 - Free Entry Policy -- Who gets what on the trial committee; guidelines for how to use free entries. Revised 6/2017. (PDF)

Tow Policy & Volunteer Driver Form -- Requirements for volunteer drivers who tow WAG's equipment trailers. Adopted 3/07. (PDF)

IRS Form W-9 -- For trial chairs to give to judges residing in the US. Must be completed and returned to the trial chair before judging fees are paid. (PDF)

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This page created by Scoundrel Cow Designs All graphics, unless otherwise specified, are original.
Background courtesy Fuzzy Faces
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